
8/8/2020 Release the old to give space to the New

Today, is the peak of the Lion’s gate. A yearly portal presented by the alignment of Earth with Sirius, our galaxy’s Central Sun. It gives us an opportunity to transcend different aspects of our personality that may be keeping us “stuck” and expand our consciousness.

In esoteric numerology 8 is a number that will push us to re-evaluate, discriminate what needs to be left behind, in order for us to align to our purpose.  

As a day, it gives us the field of vision, so don’t be surprised if you become a bit contemplative, pondering upon the things that may need to be reconsidered and maybe done differently. This could include behaviours, attitudes, your life path, friendships and so on.  As a month, it gives us the rhythm, so you may feel like you are in a rollercoaster and your emotions might be stirred.


8+8=16/7 16 wants us to clear the illusion. It wants us to remove anything that is blocking our clear vision, so we can reflect the light of the soul as intended. There might be old resentments, misunderstandings, painful situations that come to mind or to our awareness to be looked at, resolved and dissolved.  This is a continuous work and it is not a one day job, but you may be presented with the opportunity to look deeply within and start healing the pain that might be clouding your vision.

The year, 2020, seen as a 4, 16+4=20/2, will help you understand the possibilities of what could be if only you left behind the rubbish, the baggage.  You may be presented with ideas that want to be materialised.  You may see what is between you and those ideas.  How can you cross the bridge?

If we look at the year as a 22, 16+22=38/11/2, the Breakthrough, providing a new way an inspiration a realisation that might help you evolve.

If we look at the day as 88 and the year as 22, there are 2 master numbers supporting us to get rid of the old patterns that no longer serve us and create a new reality based on the light.  The 88 is the “Masters of destruction of the useless”, pushing us to eliminate from our lives, those things that are not supporting us to our growth and evolution.  22, the “Master builder”, using our emotional system to guide us in the construction of our inner temple.

Be ready to look within, and listen to what you are guided to leave behind and trust that it will lead you to alignment to your life’s purpose.

What are you letting go of?

11/7/2020 Birthing a New World

Having just experienced 3 eclipses within a month, the energy has been stirred.  Some old issues may have come back to the surface to be dealt with and/or the need for doing things differently may be very evident.

11 is a master number. Being the day, it holds the potential for us to be inspired.  In Esoteric Numerology, 11 is the prophet, a channel of light; capable of receiving a vision that comes from a Higher place. So, be mindful of any ideas that come to mind, observe your thoughts and take note.

7 as the month, the rhythm at which the day will need to move, may cause us to experience some fear, that may transform into enthusiasm and therefore bring healing as we break a mindset of the old way of being.

11+7=18/9. The 8 will want for us to re-evaluate the way we have been behaving in the past, so useless habits, paradigms and thoughts are left behind, bringing wisdom.

The year can be seen as a 4 (2+0+2+0) or as a 22 (20+2+0).

If we look at the addition of the numbers using the 4, we get 18+4=22/4.  22 is the Master builder and wants to transform the dark into light.  So, having gained the wisdom after breaking old mindsets (18/9), a new foundation will need to be laid with a lighter and much more evolved essence.

Looking at the year as a 22, we get 18+22=40/4. 40 holds an aspect of rebirth.  It might not be an easy energy to deal with, as it will ask us to let go of our comfort zone and explore new possibilities that are coming from a newly gained perspective of life.  Letting go of old habits and our way of being is not necessarily and easy task and we might experience some inner conflict.  However, the outlook is too good to be dismissed and we may have the endurance to move ahead, despite the fear.

Stirring old emotions, pains and mindsets might be uncomfortable, but necessary if we want to evolve and grow.  The old skin might not fit anymore and we may feel constrained, so sooner or later we might just feel the impending and irreversible change, so we can rebuild and birth our new, greater and better world.

Does this match what you are feeling right now?  I would love to hear your thoughts.

About Distance Healing

In this week’s video, Maria gives us a brief explanation of some basic concepts related to Distance Healing using Reiki. 

Maria is a Reiki Teacher and healer and has found Distance Healing to be a powerful tool to help people without the limitation of the physical location. In a distance healing, we can contact others, even if they are in an unconscious state.

Listen to this video to learn a bit more about this technique.

Maria has been practicing Reiki since 2007 and has been teaching since 2017.

Connect with Maria If you would like to experience or learn Reiki.

Facebook: The Healing Butterfly Touch

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mariatdevivo

Instagram: @thehealingbutterflytouch

Am I grieving?

Grief can occur when we lose something we hold valuable in our lives.  It could be the loss of a loved one, a pet, a job, or any situation that threatens our overall stability.  

The Kubler-Ross Model postulates we go through 5 stages when we experience grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance.  The time taken on each stage varies according to the individual. Also, some people visit some stages more than once and they are not linear; meaning that the way people grief can be different.  In addition to this, some people experience something called “cumulative grief”, which occurs when we go through a series of events causing grief, without resolving the previous crisis.

Usually, when reaching the ‘Acceptance” stage, we are at the end of the process and soon we will be ready to live our lives more freely.  We discussed “Acceptance and Allowing” on our previous post. However, I thought it is important to understand where we are in the process, if we haven’t managed to get to that stage.  More importantly, to identify whether we are grieving or not and if so, what we are grieving.

During this Pandemic, many people are experiencing grief, but are not aware of this, thus not being able to address it effectively.

As mentioned before, we all grief differently, but there are some general signs that can help us identify whether we are experiencing grief or not. The symptoms will depend on what stage we are at, but in general these are: shock or numbness, or even trying to deny what is going on, anger, frustration or hopelessness, sadness, or we continuously judge ourselves for what we “should have done” or what we “should do” or for why we are not doing it. 

In general terms, we are able to deal with grief on our own. However, sometimes we can get stuck or immobilised by the emotions and need to ask for help.  It might be recommended to consult your GP and/or arrange some counselling sessions when experiencing an increased level of anxiety, sadness that doesn’t go away (we possibly cry often), lack of motivation, sleep patterns are disrupted, feeling continuously overwhelmed and not being able to move on with life.

If you identify with any of the signs described above, you probably are now able to determine what is going on for you and make decisions on what to do next.  By acknowledging where we are at, moving into acceptance would be easier. Once we reach that stage, we can make new plans and get on with life as it is.

“When you deeply accept this moment as it is, no matter what form it takes, you are still, you are at peace”. Eckhart Tolle

Acceptance and Allowing

On my last article, we discussed “Coping with the current environment”.  We looked at the Numerology patterns and provided some recommendations on tools that can alleviate fear and anxiety and help regain peace and calm.
Continuing on this theme, I would like to focus on a very important topic: Acceptance and Allowing the present moment.
Some of you know I am a Counsellor and I am very passionate about a type of therapy called ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).  The reason I am so passionate about it, is because it aims to help people contact the present moment, accept and allow whatever circumstances are in their lives and from that space, act in accordance to their values.  This means that no matter what the current situation is, as they accept it and allow space for that in their lives, they are able to take action freely. They are able to flow easier with whatever life puts in front of them.  This is a fabulous tool!
Today, we are facing circumstances that are beyond our control. There is a lot more perceived uncertainty, and in addition to that, for those of you who are sensitive, the massive changes taking place in the unseen world, may be taking a toll in your physical body.  You may be feeling tired, low in energy and not being able to complete your required tasks, which may be adding to the frustration of having your life disrupted and having to walk on uncharted territory with limited tools.
 What is acceptance? According to some dictionaries, acceptance is a “process”. It is the process of embracing what is received.  It is also defined as a “state”.  We know that acceptance doesn’t just happen. We first need to make a decision. So, in order for it to happen, you need to make the decision to accept what is happening right now. As you make that decision, you start allowing this situation in your life and immediately a need for understanding where you are standing and what that means, arises. You will then want to find your bearings and ground yourself, in order to know what action to take and in what direction to move.  At this point, it is very important to understand what your values are, so any action you take goes inline with what matters to you in life.
My invitation is then to clarify your values, to really know what you stand for in life and after making the decision to accept where you are standing, decide what actions can be taken right now, without fighting or resisting.
As Eckhart Tolle says: “whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists”.
If you would like to know more about my Counselling services,click here

Coping with the current environment…what to do?

Following from my previous article about the energy of the 4/4/4 that opened a portal to support us on the elevation of our consciousness, I would like to speak a bit more about this and how it looks on the practical day to day and physical world. Also, provide some ideas on how to cope and thrive.
It was great to observe how the information provided by the numerological cycles is consistent to what is given to us by analysing the Astrological events, as well as the information provided by many who are channeling and connecting to Higher Self and pure entities who are supporting this process for us.  We are experiencing an amazing time for humanity, although this is a process and will take a while for many to appreciate.
In the visible physical world, we are going through very difficult times.  There is lots of uncertainty, massive levels of fear and anxiety, people sick, many are dying, people losing their sources of income and our day to day lives have been disturbed, interrupted, put on halt. So, how are these two things related and what to do next?
If you think of a construction site, where a new structure is to be built, the first step is to remove the old.  The old structures have to be removed and cleaned, before the new foundations can be laid and the new structure be built upon them.  In the beginning, there is lots of chaos, destruction and debris.  This has to be cleaned and only then, a new building can be erected in place.
Here is where we are right now. We are in the part where the removal of the old is necessary.  Life couldn’t continue as it was. A very radical change was necessary.
The dust hasn’t settled, so it is hard to see very far.  What do you have?  You have yourself and your inner wisdom.  Do not fear to be with yourself for a while and reconnect to who you truly are.  What do you stand for? What are your values? What matters to you most? What is your essence? What can go and what needs to stay?  Allow the stillness that is necessary to listen within and be honest with yourself.
Once you gain some clarity on these essential parts of your being, you are ready to make some decisions.
As said before, life had to change, so do not expect that a pause button will be released and then you will continue your life as it was before. Some adjustments will be needed. Just like when sailing and the wind changes, we can’t keep the steering wheel and the sails in the same position.  We need to adjust the sails and steer in a new direction.
With the newly acquired clarity, create new routines, make changes in your household, in the way your relate to others and start preparing for the new way of living.  Do you need to make changes in the way you work, where you live and so on? Start taking steps in that direction.
There is no need to rush, take your time and wait until you can see beyond the fear.
Some commonly recommended practical steps to support you on regaining peace and calm:
1. Deep breathing and meditation: The benefits of deep breathing and meditation are widely known.  Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the one in charge of the “rest, relax, digest” functions. So, just by deep breathing from the diaphragm, you will feel your body relax.  If you do it often, you will help reduce levels of cortisol in your body (stress hormone).  If you add meditation to your practice, you will start finding that still point where the mind takes a break and you will be able to listen within, to that next step you need to take.
2. Connect with others: Although we can’t physically visit or gather with others at the moment, you can use digital technology to connect. You can either text, do a video conference and so on.  Get in touch with your loved ones and smile.  Do not stay alone. Even if you are on your own in isolation, you can connect with your friends and family.
3. Exercise: Move in one way or another. Exercise helps releasing endorphis in the body (the happy hormone), which at the same time, supports you on reducing the cortisol levels in the body.  
4. Do things that are fun for you: The list of available activities is restricted at the moment, but you can still listen to music, sing, dance, watch comedies, paint, read, do some crafts, cook, etc.  Remember what are those things that bring you joy and include them in your daily routine (the new one you are creating).
5. Disconnect from your phone and don’t watch news all day long: Being on the phone all day long and watching the news continuously raises our levels of anxiety and hopelessness. Limit your daily use and choose one trusted source of news to watch at a specific time.  This will help enourmously.
I would like to hear any extra tips you can share with us. Get in touch!

4/4/2020 Expanding our Perspective

This coming Saturday 4th of April, brings a very powerful energy to the world.

Amidst the current crisis the world is facing, where everyone is a bit lost and trying to find their bearings, this energy will be welcome.

Apart from being a 4 4 4 day, as April is the 4th month and 2020 is a 4 year, it coincides with the first conjunction of Pluto with Jupiter in Capricorn. Astrologists explain that this conjunction will occur 3 times in 2020. This conjunction, will help us uncover deep truths and therefore help us see with a regenerated vision.

Looking at the energy the numbers of this day brings, we can explore different aspects of what this may mean for us.

The day gives us the field of experience; the personality, if you will. 4 speaks about a structure. The 4 sees things according to its point of view and its challenge is to see beyond the square. it can be a bit stubborn.

The month provides the rhythm. 4 is very busy building. It feels the responsibility to carry out the Plan and build a new structure.  It wants to bring the 4 of the day into alignment, which causes a re-evaluation (4+4=8) of the original idea of the structure.

The day and the month can also be seen as a 44.  This number is “The Great Survivor” and needs to learn to surrender.

The year, which we have explored before, is a 4 (2+0+2+0), which is “Harmony through Conflict”, again speaking about building a new structure.  Seen as 20+2+0, we get 22, which is the “Master Builder” and needs to learn to build a better world.

In here, we find a few clues.

We can see the 8 (4+4) and the 4 of the year (2+0+2+0) and look at the energy of 84. 84 is the “Guru”. It’s in contact with the Soul and knows what needs to be built. It sees from a higher perspective.

Looking at the day as 4+4+4=12/3. 12 has to find its unique voice. 12 corresponds to the Hung Man in the Tarot. The Hung Man is upside down and is happy as it is finally able to see from a different perspective.  And so, 12 has to be able to connect with Spirit and act from this newly gained perspective of life and the world.

Looking at the day as 4+4+22=30/3. 30 asks to “let the Light reveal the Divine Life”.  It is seeking for the Vision.

We can also see the energy of this day revealed on 44+4=48/12/3.  48 requires a breakdown to breakthrough.

All these numbers are pointing in one direction: A new level of awareness, elevated consciousness. New things will be revealed and this will allow for us to create new solutions, a new way of living life.

This is a process, but as I see it, it allows for new beginnings under a new light.

Connect with our Source, meditate, pray, strengthen your spiritual practice and access this new code of light and create your new world.


What a year this has been so far!

Just looking in Australia, we started the year with a terrible drought and the most devastating bushfire season in recorded history.

We all prayed for rain and we got it, but it rained so much, we started flooding.

Some lives were lost and some people lost all they had.  It brought a big sense of grief and loss amongst many communities.

Shortly after that, we saw in awe how quickly nature was restoring itself, bringing hope and a promise of renewal.

Not long after that, the newly discovered Coronavirus started taking importance in the news and now we are facing a worldwide pandemic.  Let’s take into account, we are only in March.

I remember starting the year with so much joy as 2020 looked very promising.  Let me remind you why:

2020 can be seen in a few ways.

Some people like to see it as 20 20, reminding them of a perfect vision.  Meaning to them that this is a year where things can be seen as they are.  An opportunity to clear our vision from all the smoke of the illusions and pain of the past. Fair enough!

Numerologically speaking, 2020 can be seen as a year 4, given that 2+0+2+0=4.

In Esoteric Numerology, 4 is called “Harmony through Conflict”.  It brings a new structure, not without stirring the pot and creating some chaos. Catching the hint already?

2020 can also be seen as 20+2+0=22/4.  In Esoteric Numerology, 22 is called “The Master Builder”.  The Master Builder needs to learn to build a better world. A world that aligns with the Divine Plan. It needs to transform the darkness into something clear.  It supposes an upliftment in the spiritual vibration. But this process, can’t be gentle. A new structure has to be laid, so the old has to go.

So far, this is what we are seeing in the world; some chaos, destruction, but just like in the case of the Australian bushfires where nature started an amazing rebirthing process, so will we.

We have already seen the moving images of what’s happening in Italy, where communities are coming together to cheer themselves up while in self-isolation and so this is what comes next: A rebirth.

Now, the 19/3/2020 is a fabulous date to look at as 19+3=22, so you have a double 22. Let me elaborate.

The day, the 19, will set the feel for the day, as the day gives us the field of experience. 19 in Esoteric Numerology is the “Selfless Leader”. It guides others in a new direction. It is also a 10, as 1+9=10 and 10 needs courage to move forward. It holds the energy of 1, as 1+0=1. It has the ideas, it has the drive, it has the fiery energy to do it. So, we could say that this day, may mark the need to move into a new direction.

The month, provides the rhythm. 3 knows the details of the Plan. It has the Blueprint. So, the 3 gives direction to the 19. 19+3=22. So, this day we see the direction of our move, so we can build a new world.

Now we have a 22 22 day. Double the vibration. A predominance of the 2 energy, which vibrates to Love/Wisdom. Love being the only thing that brings everything and everyone together. As I write this, I get shivers as I sense a new dimension of Compassion and Unconditional Love being accessible to all, so we can see life in a new perspective; a perspective of Love.

22+22=44/8. 44 is asked to surrender. It is the dying of our way to allow Thy Way.

We can also see the day as 22+4=26/8.  26 in Esoteric Numerology is “Lord Karma”, a rebirth of Karmic obedience, which is consistent with the energy of the 44, where we need to re-align to the Plan of God or our Source.

26/8 or 44/8, they both carry the energy of 8. 8 transforms, constantly bringing the Light into Matter.

This day is very close to the Equinox, which marks a change of season. In Australia and the Southern Hemisphere, we move into Autumn.  In the Northern Hemisphere, into Spring.

But to me, this day brings much more than a change of season. It brings the possibility of an upliftment of our vibrational energy to align with the energy of Love and live our lives from this place. What will you choose?

Note: Number interpretations are in accordance to the studies at the Connaissance School of Numerology

For further details about a personal chart reading, please look here


Knowing the vibration of the energy a day carries, supports us in taking advantage and exploring all possibilities. It gives us certainty and provides a map to move forward with confidence.

The 3/3/2020 is a good day to start something new; let me expand…

3 is the number of the blueprint.  It is the one that can see the idea.  It is the one that looks at all the elements required to materialise it.  It holds the inspiration and is very creative.

As a day, it may bring the possibility to access new ideas.

As a month, it will mark the rhythm at which we move, so it will ask us to organise the ideas in our mind, to then form the concept that wants to come forward.

If we see 3 3 as a 33, we would really have to connect to our hearts, so this new concept that wants to take shape comes from a higher place, from our Source, rather than from our limited minds, which are often clouded by our own needs and wants.

3+3=6 6 wants to create beauty, harmony and balance; it wants to enhance. So, these ideas and new concept will bring almost a new state of being.

The year 2020, as many people have said, creates an upliftment in the way we see things. It will provide the means for those ideas to manifest, as 2+0+2+0=4 and 4 make the idea viable.  4 knows what to do, it holds the structure, gives the endurance to see it done.  Things might need to shift, change, in order to create room for the new things to emerge and come through.

Seeing the year as 22, 20+2+0=22, this is the Master Builder. 22 asks us to feel, so we can get in touch with our intuition.  This will allow us to build in a way that will align us with our life’s purpose.



These numbers (28/10/1), request that we have the courage to work in this new endeavour and trust our inner guidance.

This, in combination with the vibration of our own personal cycles, will give us the drive to move in the direction our soul needs us to.

Pay attention, take a moment to be still and see what the next step is; take a moment to listen within and understand that new direction, that new idea that wants to come through.  Flow with the energy and the rest will line up with ease.

If you would like to know more about a Numerology consultation, read here

For bookings or enquiries, contact us here  


On the 10th of January, 2020, we are having a lunar eclipse, which closes the window opened by the recent Solar eclipse we had in December 2019. A very intense time to catalyse changes that are required for our next stage.

For this reason, I wanted to look at this day from the Esoteric Numerology point of view.

In a previous post, we discussed the energy of 10 as a day. 10 being the “Rebirth of Spirit in Matter”, a day 10 will request from us to see things from a new perspective. From a newly acquired understanding of life.  With the drive of the 1, it requires courage to take action as what is seen and understood, is different to what we were used to and so, we are required to move in a new direction.

The energy of the month is 1.  The month gives the rhythm to the day. 1 wants to take the lead, it has the drive and the fire energy to move. So, it will support the 10, so it is not stopped by fear, which can also be present in 10.

10+1=11. 11 is a Master number and in Esoteric Numerology, it is “The Prophet”.  The Prophet has the capacity to see beyond the appearance and there is an opportunity to align ourselves with our Inner Guide more easily, so we can move forward as we are guided by our Higher Self.

The year can be seen in 2 ways:

2+0+2+0=4. 4 is able to materialise the idea. It brings a structure to the Plan. It is a very busy number as it needs to bring all the pieces together and has the responsibility to execute while breaking its own limitations.  So, we could say, in 2020, we are creating a new structure. A new way of being.


20+2+0=22/4.  22 is also a Master Number. 2×11. In Esoteric Numerology, it is called the “Master Builder”.  It carries a transformative energy, bringing light into the world.  It requires collaboration.  It contains the intuition of the 11 and the Love/wisdom of the 2.  It brings the group together.  What an amazing year this is.

If we look at the year as 4, then 11+4=15/6.  15 in Esoteric Numerology is the “Intuitive Teacher”. To become intuitive, it requires to connect with its Higher Self and move from this place.  Otherwise, it can be manipulative. So, a decision is required: “Who do I serve?”

This day, we are given a choice to shift to a higher level of consciousness and raise our vibration. If we decide to devote ourselves to the material world, we might continue to see life as a very difficult experience.

If we look at the year as 22, then 11+22=33/6.33 is another Master Number. 3×11. 33 can be “The Saviour” if aligned.  With the intuition of the 11 and the vision of the 3.  It needs to open its heart and connect to others’ needs and realise we are One. Become compassion and serve from this place.

When not aligned, the 33 can feel as a martyr. Everything can become too much and painful.

This day offers a possibility for an upliftment of our beings, so we can move in a new direction, according to the new structure that is built.  It marks a new stage. How do you want to live it?