We are coming to the end of 2020. As I have mentioned in some of my previous posts, this has been a year that required a lot of shaking, removing the old, cleansing the ground to make room for the new.
Astrologically, the year started with a double planetary conjunction and was followed by 3 triple planetary conjunctions that took place throughout the year. At some point, there were 10 celestial bodies going in retrograde and numerologically there have been quite a few interesting and very powerful dates. All this, has had an effect on everyone of us at different levels, according to where we are at in terms of our personal life cycles and our individual level of awareness.
In Australia, the year started with an intense fire season that began at the back end of 2019, which clearly sent a message of renewal and rebirth. Apart from other natural disasters, the world has seen a pandemic that has changed the way we live our lives. It has asked us to re-evaluate our values, what truly matters for us and what we stand for. It has helped us recognise the importance of human connections, it has brought to the light some of our deep seated fears, our shadows, and overall has shaken us, so we can take a stocktake and move forward in a new way.
2021 is a progression of what happened this year, helping us recognise our gifts and put them into use to move up into the next level.
But before that, we have this month to look forward to. With Christmas upon us, people are starting to prepare for the festive season, and depending where in the world you live, this will take a different shape to that of previous years. In Australia we are quite fortunate and perhaps our celebrations can go ahead as usual, but for so many people around the globe, this is not the case. Christmas will have to be celebrated with so many restrictions and amongst so much uncertainty and fear.
However, for some, the real celebration is about what is taking place on the 21st of December: “The Magic Box activation at Uluru”. This is related to a prophecy that says that crystals from the Pleiades that were placed inside Uluru are ready to be activated on the solstice on December 21st. There is a caveat though, there has to be a certain amount of people with pure hearts connecting, so on that day, at 9:01 pm NT time, 9:05 pm AEST, please send love and divine energy to the site. Also, do the work you’ve been asked to do in these recent times. Meditate often and be mindful of any processes taken place within, so you can clear the old fears and programs you no longer need.
Many people are preparing meditation gatherings on that day and some have been summoned to actually go to Uluru.
It is said that upon the activation of these crystals, the vibration of the planet will raise considerably and it will help cleansing the Earth, and all who are able to tune in will live at this higher vibration.
This prophecy has been only known to the Aboriginal tribe of the Uluru country and they have been working and doing ceremonies for 9 years already.
This rise in vibration will help us connect to so many gifts that we haven’t recognised until this point in time, which ties in with what 2021 has in store for us. Being a year 5, we will be invited to “express” to the world who we truly are.
So, we are currently moving on a rainbow bridge that is taking us across from the old into the new. It is a highly vibrational bridge that can only be walked if we decide to tune in and trust.
How are you feeling? Have you had to leave anything behind?
Are you keeping a spiritual practice that is helping you balance any emotional fluctuations?
Tell us how you are doing. We would love to know if you are sensing these changes.