Image sourced from Wikipedia.
There are many British people who have made Australia home, and one of them decided to bring a piece of Britain to their current home.
A while ago, I was driving with my son through a semi rural area near where I live in Brisbane, Australia. Suddenly, we see an old red telephone box, similar to the one in the picture, featured as part of one of the property’s outdoors decoration.
I thought it was hilarious to see this here, but what was most surprising to me was to hear my son say: “A time machine”.
My son is only 9 years old and he was born in the times of mobile phones, social media and instant communication.
He has never seen an actual telephone box, as by now they have all been removed. To him, this could only be related to a time machine from one of the popular sci-fi shows.
What a mind opener this moment was for me! The meaning we give to things are not related to the actual object, but to our own conceptual mind structure, our stories and our life circumstances.
We might live our lives with some ideas about ourselves, some identification to who we are, or who we are supposed to be, some limiting beliefs that don’t allow us to grow and shift our reality.
I’m currently going through a 67/13/4 period and have been through a big transformational stage, where things are changing and expanding in my life. So, I noticed that I was stuck to certain ideas about myself that were not allowing me to accept great blessings into my life. I noticed that this 67 period is helping me break those limiting beliefs and simply accept how I am being asked to use my gifts and serve. It has taught me to be more flexible and detach from my own ideas. After all, it is not my plan, but Thy Plan that I came here to execute. As explained by Claudine Aegerter, the Principal of the Connaissance School of Numerology, 67 helps us “move from being a prisoner in our own minds to serve something higher”.
So, is it a time machine or a telephone box? It all depends on the consciousness observing the object in question. Be ready to detach from your ideas of the world and its circumstances, be open to expand your awareness and accept a new concept to be presented in your life, so you can serve with devotion to the higher plan.
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