This coming Wednesday, we have a very special day: 11/11/2020.
Have you been seeing 11:11 1:11 111 everywhere lately? Many have reported this has been happening to them, which is not surprising as we are coming to very special times. Even if we don’t understand the meaning of these numbers, when we see them repeatedly we tend to pay attention.
Next time you see these numbers, be aware of what is in your mind at that moment in time, as this might give you a clue of what is needed from you.
11/11/2020 precedes the third of a triple conjunction between Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto this year. This is not a usual cosmic event and we had three this year. At a general level, these conjunctions carry change, transformation and bring to the light those aspects of self that have been hidden and that are keeping us stuck in fear. These conjunctions are helping us move forward.
Many of you may have heard about the transition into the age of Aquarius, which has been marked as taking place from December 21st, 2020. On this day, there will be a double conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius, which is meant to catalyse big shifts.
So, on the 11/11/2020 a portal opens up. This portal will allow you to connect more easily with your inner guide, so you understand what needs to be left behind, in order to take advantage of the upcoming shifts.
11 is known as the prophet in esoteric numerology. If you look at the shape of number 11, you can see the “one” mirroring itself, symbolising man and his God. In between, a space that symbolises the space to hold Spirit. When using this energy in its most elevated form, we can be highly intuitive. The veil between the physical and the spiritual world becomes thin and if we “pay attention”, we will be able to listen to our inner guide with clarity.
As a day, this becomes our field of experience and the way we see the world. Listen within to the messages, ideas, images, sensations. Observe the events that occur around you, as they will all provide a cue for you to follow.
11 as a month may add an intensity to the message and the impetus to act on those ideas. Observe your mood, as when the 11 is not used in its elevated state, it can bring bitterness. This can also be a clue, as it might indicate you are not in alignment with your soul’s desires. Instead of judging yourself, simply listen with curiosity and see what needs to be adjusted.
22, as we have mentioned previously, is called the “master builder” in esoteric numerology. It wants for you to create, to build, to manifest what has been in the world of the ideas. It is a time for movement; It is not a time to be static and contemplate. A 22 wants to build to transform what is, into a higher state. It needs to build those ideas arising from your connection with your intuition, not from your mind. So, beware and notice where your ideas are coming from. Inner guidance is ALWAYS uplifting. It will never push you down. It is not filled with emotion either; it is not impulsive. It is a clear and very matter of fact instruction.
In previous posts, I have mentioned the 2 ways to see this year: It can be seen as a 4 (2+0+2+0) and/or as a 22 (20+2+0).
In that order of ideas, it follows that this day could be seen either a 26/8 (22+4), or as a 44/8 (22+22).
26 will push for alignment. It is a “rebirth of Karmic obedience”. Something may have to die, in order to give birth to the new and will require some courage and strength. It will require your conviction of what needs to be done.
44 will put us on our knees, it will give us no choice but to surrender to what is needed to be done. If you are resisting, you may experience loss. On the other hand, if you embrace the change, you will rejoice on the perspective of building a new way of life guided by the light.
This energy will prepare us for the next stage, which although full of change is a very uplifting movement if embraced, and if we adjust accordingly.
As always, this is only an invitation. If you decide to accept it and embrace it, make time to listen, pay attention and act upon your guidance with the confidence that you are truly supported.
Do you already know what you need to leave behind? Do you know in what way you need to be renewed? Do you already know the changes that need to be done? I would love to hear from you in the comments below!
Happy shifting!
I am leaving behind the old paradigms, the limiting beliefs, the “can’t” ones. I open myself to divine love, to activate my divine DNA and to be a pillar of light tuned to a high vibration. May there be peace, freedom and joy on Earth. Thank you!
I know I need to leave behind fear and the “need to know everything”…still not completely sure how????. What would you recommend today to be more in tune with my inner guide?
Hi Romy,
If you are keen on essential oils, Clary Sage and Juniper berry are great to support us precisely with these fears.
Also, take a moment where you won’t be interrupted, some deep breaths and acknowledge that need to know, acknowledge the fear, give them space to be there in the back of your mind, say thank you as you know they are trying to protect you, although they are not needed. And then, receive…
Let me know how you go ????