
12/12/2019 A new way of Living

Numbers related to each day bring a vibration into the realm of possibilities. They invite us to move in a certain direction and we may choose to flow or go against the flow.

The 12/12/2019 is vibrationally, a very important day.  It offers a gateway to move into a higher, more aligned and freer life if we so choose to.

12 in Esoteric Numerology is the Light in the Trinity.  As the day of the month, it invites us to tune into our feeling side and observe, so we can break the patterns of the past and see that the light we are receiving, comes from our Source, our Creator.  This will allow us to follow our guidance without fear.  We may feel the need of doing things in a new way.

The corresponding Tarot card is the “Hangman”. The Hangman is upside down.  He is finally seeing the world from a new perspective.  He is releasing himself from the ropes that had him prisoner, without attachments. He gives everything up, in order to receive the “gift of the Soul”.  Letting go of the old ways with detachment would facilitate the upliftment process. Otherwise, we may feel like the victim of any situations that may be going on in our lives.

12, is a 3 (1+2=3). 3 represents the Blueprint in Esoteric Numerology.  This day, we have the possibility to see beyond what is apparent, so pay attention. Observe your feelings, your emotions as they may show you the required changes in your life.

The month is also a 12/3. The month tells us about the rhythm, the pace at which we need to move in order to be in alignment with our Higher Self.  12 asks us to move beyond the current paradigms and allow ourselves to communicate our heart’s desires.  Not the emotional heart, but the one that is able to communicate at a deeper level and knows beyond the knowing.

If you look at the day and month as a reduction of 12/3, you get 33, which once again invites us to open our hearts and act from that compassionate place.  Observe your thoughts, so this doesn’t take you the other way and feel like a martyr or a victim of the world.

12+12=24/6.  24 in Esoteric Numerology represents “Service to the group”. What is your group? Your family, your employees, your community? How are you serving the group? Check that this care is allowing and not suffocating.  The invitation is let go of the need to control and allow the transformation.

The year is also a 12/3. The year speaks of the work we need to do in order to deliver the job that has been assigned to us. As explained before when mentioning the Hangman, we are asked to change our perspective, to turn around.

20 (of the century) +1+9 = 30/3. 30 represents an upliftment. To rise and “let the light reveal Divine life”.  So, it seems this is the culmination of the year. This day opens a portal that provides an opportunity for upliftment.

24+12=36/9. 36 represents the wisdom gained through experience.

24+30=54/9. 54 tells us it is time to teach and give our wisdom.

12 being a 3, we could also see: 3 (day) + 3 (month) = 6. 3 of the year, could also show 63. 63 talks about alignment.

And so, you can see why this day has been nominated as an “Ascension Gateway Opening”, a day to reveal your authentic Divine self. Leaving behind a fear based way of living to welcome the new way, free and filled with light.  It invites us to shift in consciousness.

It also coincides with the Full moon in Gemini. Full moons are times of completion. As Soluntra King mentions in her blog, this is a time of “completion in unison, aligning, bringing it all together”.

As this is an invitation and we have Free Will, you can choose to take advantage of this opportunity or not. What will you choose?


Day Numerology – 11/11/2019

11/11 has always been distinguished as an auspicious day for manifestation.

Observing the shape of the number 11, it could be seen as a channel for the light to come through. In fact, in Esoteric Numerology, 11 is called “The Prophet”. It is a master number and its vibration facilitates our ability to tune in to the light and gain clarity on the path.

If we become still, through meditation or our preferred way to go into silence, higher ideas and inspiration may uplift us and come easier to us. It is always best to listen when we are still, otherwise the inspiration can be distorted by our emotions and desires.

The month, November, also carries the energy of 11, strengthening the push for us to connect to our Higher Self, Source, God.

I find it interesting that this day is also Remembrance Day in Australia. At the 11th hour, on the 11th of November, a minute of silence is dedicated to those who died in war. Contemplation is expected.

11 + 11 = 22/4.
4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 22, which in Esoteric Numerology speaks of the Manifestation of the Plan. Therefore, an ideal day to focus on that which needs to be manifested. Using the energy of the 11, we are invited to align with the Higher Plan; with our Purpose. 22 is the Master Builder and is expected to create for the Higher good.

2019, 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12/3, therefore, 11/11/2019 21 + 12 = 34/7
34 in Esoteric Numerology represents spiritualised matter and gives us a method to create that Plan.

Take time to be still, tune in, gain clarity and focus as you are guided on the next steps and don’t interfere.

To know more about my Esoteric Numerology Consultations, take a look a this link:


Day Numerology: 1/11/2019

Today, the beginning of November, brings a new energy to the world.

Coming from October, a month 10, when we were influenced to take action with a new level of understanding, and having recently experienced a New Moon in Scorpio, which according to many Astrologists was asking us to move into a new direction, aligning us more with our own Truth, we come into November, an 11 month. In Esoteric Numerology 11 means “The Prophet”. It talks about a need to go in and reconnect with our Inner Guide, with our Higher Self, with the Source of All that is, so we can be led into that new path or new way.

The energy of the day 1, gives us the drive to move into that new space, if we so choose.

1 + 11 = 12/3. The year 2019, 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12/3, therefore we have a double 12 energy moving us within. 12 is able to see beyond, the blueprint, the Divine Plan. The energy of 12 asks us to follow the Plan of God. It asks us to give up the lower mind desires, so we can align with the Greater Plan. Twice this energy, bringing in the 2, Love/Wisdom, which brings us together and Protects us.

In addition to this, 1/11/2019 12 + 12 = 24/6
24 in Esoteric Numerology is the “Alchemical transformation in Time and Space”, devotion to the group. Its challenge is to let go of control, which is necessary to allow that transformation. It needs to surrender and trust.

Today, the invitation is to find the space to connect to our Source, to God, Spirit or however you feel more comfortable calling this Universal, Creative, All encompassing loving energy, so you may be guided into this new direction or new way of behaving in the world, and surrender, give up your control and Trust that All is well and you are loved and protected. 

You may feel the need for introspection. Go within!


Day Numerology 10/10/2019

Today is an interesting day.

10 in Esoteric Numerology means “Rebirth of spirit in matter”. 10 has already done the journey from 1 to 9, has learned the lessons and comes back with a different level of understanding. It carries the energy of the 1, the drive, the leadership, but it also carries the wisdom of the lessons learned. It talks about courage and independence, but it may also carry fear as it can feel the heaviness of the experiences of the past. It understands there is a new way of doing things and the challenge is to go ahead and do it. So, today you may feel there must be a new or better way of doing things, but you may also experience the fear of the unknown.


The month, October, also carries the energy of the 10, but in this case, it gives the rhythm to the day. It may push for that new way to be considered and pondered.
10 + 10 = 20/2. 20 in Esoteric Numerology indicates gestation, so today a new way is being considered and evaluated. The 2, looking at the different possibilities.

2019, 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12/3, therefore, 10/10/2019 20 + 12 = 32/5
32 in Esoteric Numerology represents crystallised light, the “Higher mind delivers the word”, so listen clearly to any ideas that come to you. Messages can come in many ways: dreams, a message on a billboard that resonates with you, an ad on TV, or an idea that pops in your head. Be attentive, pay attention and follow the voice of your heart.

2019 can also be read as 20 + 1 + 9 = 30/3, therefore 10/10/2019, could also be 30 + 20 = 50/5, which also indicates a new way, change.

Interestingly, Soluntra King, who I follow, talks about a portal that opens today, creating a shift in consciousness.

We are also close to the Full Moon in Aries. I was listening to Cristiana Caria this morning, and she was talking about “Building new foundations of who we truly are”.

Listen within, meditate, contemplate, take time to be still so the messages become clear and the path ahead revealed.

To read about my Numerology sessions, click below