As any mother who has delivered their babies naturally would understand very clearly, when the time comes, we need to wait for the contractions in order to push. Anything else is futile; we can exhaust ourselves pushing in between and nothing will happen. It’s only when the contraction comes that we are able to use our energy effectively to push the baby out of the birth canal and then into the world.
In a similar way, we need to wait for the signals of the Universe, God, the Creative force, so we can move ahead with “our ideas”, change direction, or birth our creative projects into the world. Sometimes, we push and push at the wrong time, as our human mind wants to see things happening and feels confused and in fear when there is a period of stagnation. We exhaust ourselves and end up frustrated and may give up.
We also need to tune in and understand whether those ideas are the ones that our Soul wants to manifest as inspired by Spirit or we are just trying to create what our logical mind believes could be beneficial. This takes a bit of awareness.
Are we flowing through life, or are we resisting life? Just like a surfer waiting for the right wave, it would serve us well to wait and ride with the wave, rather than forcing events to take place. When we are flowing with the energy, the right person crosses our path, the ideas flow naturally, we visit the right places at the right time, and lots of synchronicities occur to support us in our process.
We are living a unique time in history where we are given opportunities to grow and expand our consciousness tenfold. How are you using this energy? Where are you directing your attention? Are you listening within or is your mind taking over? Take a moment to ponder as it might be worth your time.
What to do, then?
This is my suggestion:
1. Stop. Go to a place close to nature if possible, as nature supports us connecting to our inner self. It amplifies the signal, if you will. Take a moment to breath deeply. Bring your body to a relaxed state.
2. Listen to your body. Scan your body and see whether there is one part that wants to call your attention and investigate. See if there is a place where you feel discomfort or whether you can recognise any emotions surging. If so, just like a curious scientist, observe what is causing the sensation. (eg. If you are feeling anxious, what is underneath the anxiety). Do not judge it, just observe it and see whether you can understand what it is trying to say. Do not do this with your mind. Truly feel into your sensations, your emotions and see if there are any images, ideas, words that come to you. This process make take a little while. Do not rush it.
3. Trust what you get. By now, you would have gained a new understanding. You will get a sense of the next step. Perhaps it is just to wait a little longer, perhaps you have realised that you have been resisting what life is presenting you. Perhaps your ideas come from fear and this is why you are feeling anxious. Whatever it is you find, trust and follow the message.
Sometimes, what we are asked to do scare us. Trust that you will be given the way if this is what you are meant to do.
I invite you to give this a go and let me know if this exercise helped.
This blog has arrived to me as a confirmation of my desire to stop for a bit and connect. Many thanks!