Following from my previous article about the energy of the 4/4/4 that opened a portal to support us on the elevation of our consciousness, I would like to speak a bit more about this and how it looks on the practical day to day and physical world. Also, provide some ideas on how to cope and thrive.
It was great to observe how the information provided by the numerological cycles is consistent to what is given to us by analysing the Astrological events, as well as the information provided by many who are channeling and connecting to Higher Self and pure entities who are supporting this process for us. We are experiencing an amazing time for humanity, although this is a process and will take a while for many to appreciate.
In the visible physical world, we are going through very difficult times. There is lots of uncertainty, massive levels of fear and anxiety, people sick, many are dying, people losing their sources of income and our day to day lives have been disturbed, interrupted, put on halt. So, how are these two things related and what to do next?
If you think of a construction site, where a new structure is to be built, the first step is to remove the old. The old structures have to be removed and cleaned, before the new foundations can be laid and the new structure be built upon them. In the beginning, there is lots of chaos, destruction and debris. This has to be cleaned and only then, a new building can be erected in place.
Here is where we are right now. We are in the part where the removal of the old is necessary. Life couldn’t continue as it was. A very radical change was necessary.
The dust hasn’t settled, so it is hard to see very far. What do you have? You have yourself and your inner wisdom. Do not fear to be with yourself for a while and reconnect to who you truly are. What do you stand for? What are your values? What matters to you most? What is your essence? What can go and what needs to stay? Allow the stillness that is necessary to listen within and be honest with yourself.
Once you gain some clarity on these essential parts of your being, you are ready to make some decisions.
As said before, life had to change, so do not expect that a pause button will be released and then you will continue your life as it was before. Some adjustments will be needed. Just like when sailing and the wind changes, we can’t keep the steering wheel and the sails in the same position. We need to adjust the sails and steer in a new direction.
With the newly acquired clarity, create new routines, make changes in your household, in the way your relate to others and start preparing for the new way of living. Do you need to make changes in the way you work, where you live and so on? Start taking steps in that direction.
There is no need to rush, take your time and wait until you can see beyond the fear.
Some commonly recommended practical steps to support you on regaining peace and calm:
1. Deep breathing and meditation: The benefits of deep breathing and meditation are widely known. Deep breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the one in charge of the “rest, relax, digest” functions. So, just by deep breathing from the diaphragm, you will feel your body relax. If you do it often, you will help reduce levels of cortisol in your body (stress hormone). If you add meditation to your practice, you will start finding that still point where the mind takes a break and you will be able to listen within, to that next step you need to take.
2. Connect with others: Although we can’t physically visit or gather with others at the moment, you can use digital technology to connect. You can either text, do a video conference and so on. Get in touch with your loved ones and smile. Do not stay alone. Even if you are on your own in isolation, you can connect with your friends and family.
3. Exercise: Move in one way or another. Exercise helps releasing endorphis in the body (the happy hormone), which at the same time, supports you on reducing the cortisol levels in the body.
4. Do things that are fun for you: The list of available activities is restricted at the moment, but you can still listen to music, sing, dance, watch comedies, paint, read, do some crafts, cook, etc. Remember what are those things that bring you joy and include them in your daily routine (the new one you are creating).
5. Disconnect from your phone and don’t watch news all day long: Being on the phone all day long and watching the news continuously raises our levels of anxiety and hopelessness. Limit your daily use and choose one trusted source of news to watch at a specific time. This will help enourmously.
I would like to hear any extra tips you can share with us. Get in touch!
Thank you ! And for light workers, trust you and what you are worth. Shining and giving light, love and peace is a precious job.
Thank you very much!! I had actually already started with some of your tips, and I really love the new routine I began to create…I am really enjoying this time and I am looking forward to incorporating as much as possible or even making it “the new normal”….