Reiki is a beautiful energy healing technique brought to us by Dr. Mikao Usui at the end of the 1800s (History of Reiki). The practitioner lays the hands on the client and works as a channel of divine love-life energy.
One of the main purposes for Reiki is self-care. Once attuned, a person is able to give healing to oneself and is encouraged to do this on a daily basis as a self-care practice.
Reiki works on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and brings about feelings of relaxation and deep peace after the treatment. It helps to re-balance, nurture, restore.
One must be open to receive in order to be able to feel the benefits of a Reiki treatment, either when giving to self or receiving from a practitioner. This is due to the free-will principle which operates at all times.
In saying this, if one truly wants to see change, commitment to taking action is necessary. In all my years as a practitioner and now as a teacher, I have observed that although immediate healing is possible, it is more common to see a gentler and slower process, which allows for the overall wellbeing of the client. Reiki supports us in creating the possibility of greater awareness and a rise in consciousness. With this support, ideas, inspiration, need for change will arise. It is up to the receiver to follow through, so an “wholistic” change/healing is possible.
Therein lies the magic of Reiki. It is a very gentle divine inspired tool to support the client on their transformational journey.
For more information, click here
Having experienced the healing power of Reiki has been a life changing experience, I express my gratitude to the “healing butterfly touch” for its excelllent services.